Application for Participation

Associated Schools Project (ASP)

for Promoting International Education


Outline of the way the Project(s) will be implemented in the institution
(please use extra sheets if necessary)


Description of the Project(プロジェクトの概説)







Our school is located at the foot of Mts.Yatsugatake and Mt.Tateshina in Chino City that we we have built up a long history since the Jomon culture, such as two  national treasure clay figures”Jomon of Venus”,” Goddess of the Mask”.

 And also our school stands near Chino City Office and Chino citizen Hall in the neighborhood. It is located in the central city of Chino City residential area and shopping street, It takes 5 minutes from our school to the station. A nursery school and Eimei Junior High School stands nearby.

Wishing development in a further area we were working to make the better school and children who love Chino City and Eimei Area through exchange with local residents. And we tried to find out charm and problem as educational resource

 in this area with a spirit of weave(the warm human relations)based ESD.

 Our school was designated as community school by the Ministry of Education in 2015.  We started to make the school with local residents in a further area and to make the deveropment of region which made the school the center.

As  a UNESCO SCHOOL, to develop them, necessary for the leaders of a sustainable society in each child attitudes, values, capacity, we carry out the environmental education project and regional learning project overall time of learning for the purpose of the thing which makes each child put on the attitude, the values,the ability and knowledge necessary to the social bearer by whom the continuation is possible while relating time between each subject and the overrall learning  and an extraordinary activity.

In the environmental education project, field work and experiental learning, and incorporating the investigative learning, while deepening their understanding of environmental sustainability and possibilities of the region, while also aware of the relevance of the global challenges, regional and environment, we have raised a force to tackle the problem solving for.

At the regional learning project, the creation and constraction of local culture due to ties with the people, goods, things, for continued development of the industry, through the exchange activities, such as collaboration and cooperation with the local residents and various organizations, important to love the region. We have brought up the attitude to.


In implementing these projects, 3 nursery schools in the school district(

Chino nursery, Chuo nursery,Yokouchi nursery), 1 kindergarten(Chino Seibo kindergarten, Eimei  junior high school nearby school ground and various organizations and various facilities of the region and advances while working to cooperation with local regidents.

In addition, while taking advantage of the various activities that have been performed up to now that you go toward the eye from ESD point of view to the future of the regional and global, that iti is going to each other share the information and experiences through the exchange fo domestic and foreign school it is condisenred that would like to expand the activities as described above for the purpose of this project.  




Objectives of the Project(プロジェクトの目的)




In our school,the aim of education of this school is to nurture a child to cherish the region forever,through implementing the "Environmental Education Project" and "Community Learning Project", feel the goodness of nature, culture and industry of the Chino-Eimei region

To realize the aim of education we continue to expand the keyword of the school education activities “weave each other”(warm human relations)



(e.g. through a specially designed course, through an existing course(s) or as an extracurricular activity)



We are promoting the experiental activities and practices,environmental education project and regional learning project for children of all grades


The school, Chino-Eimei by the cooperation and collaboration of local people do the experiential activities and practices, environmental education project for children of all grades, we are promoting regional learning project. Its contents are as follows.


(1)環境教育プロジェクト ※<学年>●教科名「活動名」・月・時数






(1)  Environmental Education Project <grade> subject name "Activity Name", month, numbers of lesson

<1 grade>

●Life environmental studies "Let's explore the Mt.Eimeiji"  April to November, 30 hours

- Visit and explore the Mt.Eimeiji located in the school district.

-To find and touch the flowers and creatures of the four seasons in the Mt.Eimeiji and play using them.

-To do activities of exploration pretend and looking for flowers, insects feeling a seasonal change and the joy of touch naturally.









  ・使用教材 『ダイズの絵本』(国分牧衛編集、上野直大絵、農山漁村文化協会、1998

<2 grade>

● Life environmental education program "Let’s grow soy beans and to make miso "

 May to November, 22 hours

- Interested in growth and changes of soybeans, bring up them in the field of school.

-Check how to bring up the soy beans big by listening to the people in the area and

using the books in the library.

-Check about fermented soybean paste making and visit the miso factory near the school.

After checked, make miso by oneself with the person’s guidance of the factory.

-Make miso soup with miso made with oneself and feel the joy of the harvest.


Use teaching materials "picture book of soybeans" (Kokubu Maki Mamoru edit, Ueno Naohiro picture, Cultural society of rural district and fishing village Association, (1998)









  ・使用教材 『やさいのうえかたそだてかた』(小宮山洋夫著、岩崎書店、1995)、『育てよう!食べよう!野菜づくりの本』(小菅知三監修、ポプラ社、2003

<3 grade>

●Life environmental education program "Let's grow delicious vegetables and eat them"  from May to October, 24 hours

- vegetables want to eat  (tomato, cucumber, eggplant, green soybeans, green peppers, etc.).

- to ask the person in this area how to grow delicious vegetables, or to listen to the people who have provided food to lunch.

- To grow the vegetables paying attention to the amount of water doing, time of the additional fertilizer,the amount and management in a field of weeding and insect proofing.

- From nutrition teacher to hear the story of the local production for local consumption, examine whether it is any dish with vegetables made with their own.

- Made was to create a vegetable to fit cooking, taste the joy of harvest.

And use "after person brought up how the vegetables" teaching materials (Author Hiroo Komiyama, Iwasaki Shoten, 1995), "nurture it! Let's eat! This vegetable manufacturing "(Kosuge Tomomi supervision, Poplar, 2003)










・使用教材 Webページ「水道水ができるまで(長野県ホームページ)」








  ・使用教材 『地球のために私たちにできること(リサイクルのためにできること)』(奈須紀幸監修、ポプラ社、1994)、Webページ「環境・ごみ・リサイクル(茅野市ホームページ)」


<4 grade>

● Social studies "Let's protect the precious water" - from September to November, 30 hours

-Be interested in the drinking water in a daily life where to come and check it.

-Know to secure the water from area where one lives and to be promoted the measures and projects ,such as the required amount can be used.

-Visit the “Yokouchi NO4 supplying water place” in the school district and listen to the administrator of facilities.

-Know to secure the water required in the area and know that stable water supply is being performed.

-Think about the possibilities to keep and continue to use water with care.

-Do to associate with Life environmental education program.

-Using teaching materials: Web page "until tap water is made (Nagano homepage)"

●Social studies:  "To think about processing of garbage and recycling for it to make the beautiful Eimei. September to October, 20 hours

-Visit to the garbage storage and have interest about how to process the garbage out of the school or at home.

· Ask to the collection workers how to collect and how to process the garbage from school and home .

- Visit to the Suwa Minami cleaning center and listen to the description about the facilities,  works, the collection area from the center staff.

- Know the garbage collection area and garbage treatment method, and the hardships and ingenuity of the people who are working in the facilities. And listen to the wishes of the people who are working.

- Think and study about what we can do for recycling reuse reduce for a loss in weight of garbage.

Do it in association with the Special activities (children Association) 

Use teaching materials "The thing we can do for the earth for recycle " (Noriyuki Nasu supervision, Poplar, 1994), Web page "the environment, garbage and recycling (Chino homepage)"










・使用教材 Webページ「「里山づくり」を推進しています!(茅野市ホームページ)」

<5 grade>

Life environmental education program " participate in woodlands manufacturing, bacterical strike experience of the mushroom "  In June, 3 hours

Listen to the activities of the woodlands making of Mt.Eimeiji from the members who was 

established from the direction of the "Association to create a forest of Mt.Eimeiji.

Learn about the activities and forest resource utilization methods such as charcoal making.

Katakuri(a kind of flower) observation, strike experience of the mushroom, forest maintenance experience.

Think about our activities of woodlands making and learn how  to strike bacteria in the mushroom from the instructor of the association to create a forest of Mt.Eimeiji.

Put the mushroom raw wood struck with bacteria and manage the woods while looking forward to the harvest of one and a half years after the six months.

School the bacteria hitting the timber was placed in, to manage the wood while looking forward to the harvest of one and a half years after the six months.

And harvesting the mushrooms and cook, while eating together with people of the meeting to create a forest of Yongming Terayama petting, to feel the goodness of being involved in the woodlands making.

And science is carried out in association with social studies.

And use teaching materials Web page "We are promoting the" woodlands manufacturing "! (Chino homepage) "









・使用教材 Webページ「緑のカーテン(ユネスコスクールホームページ)」


<6 grade>

● Special activities "Green Boy Scouts" - from April to November, 8 hours

- Become a green Boy Scouts leader and develop the activities that nature is maintained and a tree-planning campaign focusing on a children’s  committee “gardening committee.

Make the flower bed under the slogan "Let the school in flowery" , seeking ideas from all children in the school, and think about the design of the flower beds.

According to the season, plant salvia, and marigold, and pansy in the flower beds, or set up a flower planter around in front of the children front door and the gate of the school and carry on the green curtain activity that energy conservation tells, and create the environment that is familiar with flower.

In the summer, participate in the Green Boy Scouts exchange meeting of Suwa district ,

and carry on exchange activity with other schools in Suwaarea through forest recreation forest recreation (tree observation, forest quiz, wood work).

In the fall, participate in the meeting of the development Suwa area forest making,

 And deepens the understanding about importance of the forest resources and foresty through forest maintenance(pest disinfestaion net tension and hinoki trimming)and charcoal making.

Use teaching materials Web page "Green Curtain (UNESCO School home page)"


(2)地域学習プロジェクト ※<学年>●教科名「活動名」・月・時数







(2)  Community Learning project <grade> subject name "Activity Name", month, hours

<1 grade>

●Special activities, "Let's go in the spring of Mt. Eimeiji-excursion" In May, 5 hours

Observe the spring trees,flowers and forest which belong with school while walking in Mt.Eimeiji, and listen to the instructor of association about introduction of spring flowers and trees at the mountain square and notice the people who cherish Mt.Eimeiji in the area.

Play with facilities such as jumbo slide and athletic Square, and know that you are in the oasis of the region.

· Association carried out a living family.








<2 grade>

●Life environmental studies "Let's take a train and go out " In May, 5 hours

Visit  Chino station which is gateway of Chino city (Chuo Line, East Japan Railway), and learn about the thing  for which many people in the area and tourists are using, and know how to ride a train.

Learn about how to use the station and the manner of the ride from the persons who work in Chino station.

· Buy the ticket at the vending machine and ride up to Kamisuwa station for the purpose of going to see the Lake Suwa.

Feel the goodness of the nature and various kind of facilities from the train observing  the area.








 ・使用教材 『まちの施設たんけん』(林義人文、小峰書店、2004


<3 grade>

● Social Studies "Our city-Eimei", from May to November, 30 hours

Be interested in various facilities(public, cultural and commercial) and find out about their activities.

Visit Chino City Office, Chino Citizen Hall(including Art Museum, Library)and

 Ogino shopping center and know the work of the person who administers it.

Think about the ideas and hardship of working people who work various facilities .

· Post  the results, thought and found from study on the school wall.

Teaching materials "Explore town facilities " (Yoshito Hayashi statement, Komine Bookstore, 2004)









  ・使用教材 『わたくしたちの郷土』(中諏教育会、2014







<4 grade>

● social studies "canals which spread at the foot of the mountains" - from September to November, 20 hours

Be interested in the statue of Sakamoto Yosen which exhibited in the entrance hall.

Find out about Sakamoto Yosen who worked to develop for the area by the textbook and regional learning materials.

Learn about the canals named Yosen Segi made by Sakamoto Yosen and visit Yatsugatake museum, Ogawara-segi and Otome waterfall and listen to the parson who works in the museum.

Learn about the reasons, ideas, troubles and using various tools for making canals.

Have the feeling of protect the Yousen-segi which flows near in the area and home.

 Teaching materials "Our Homeland" (Suwa Education Association, 2014)


Life environmental studies:"Let's grow the chrysanthemum and show them in chrysanthemum exhibition "  from May to November, 40 hours

Meet the person  of Chino City chrysanthemum lovers and ask about the reasons of cultivation and chrysanthemum exhibition.

Learn about types of chrysanthemum, how to grow them  and necessary tools from  a member of chrysanthemum association, and grow a big chrysanthemum by oneself.

Learn about the prevention of sick and insect proofing and additional fertilizer

  from the member of association and grow by oneself.

Show one’s work to the city crysanyhemum festival with members of association,

  and feel the goodness of being concerning area community.











<5 grade>

● Life environmental studies "Trying to exchange with senior children of kindergarten"  from July to February, 10 hours

•Plan to exchange program with  4 kindergartens within the school district (Chino nursery,Chino Chuo nursery, Yokouchi nursery, Chino Seibo kindergarten)

Consider the exchange contents thinking about senior children, and decide the exchange contents in consultation with each kindergartens.

•The first exchange program;  To visit  kindergarten “Be good friends” as the key word and do storytelling,hide –and-seek, tag and  rock-paper-scissors tournament.

The second exchange program ; To visit kindergarten “play happily” as the key word, and play the game they  planned (quoits, put ball, balloon volleyball, origami) in the ply corner.

·The third exchange program; Invite the older children and  guide them in the school,

 "'Know about Eimei primary school” as the key word. And tell them about goodness of the school.

Have the feeling about the happy new grade with senior children and notice oneself as 6 grade looking back exchange program.









<6 grade>

● Special activities "Try to exchange with the people of welfare facilities",

from June to July, 3 hours

Plan the exchange program with local welfare facilities ( Nijino-mori  Health care Center, Shirakoma Nursing Home) organized with children association called Welfare Exchange Association)

Prepare the exchange program; Call to the all children to  collect of unused towel for the wefare facilities, and  practice the school song for the people of the facility,


Visit welfare facilities  "Nijino-mori", "Shirakoman-omori",and present the unused towel to elderlies in the facilities. And also sing a chorus of school song and enjoy the talking each others.

Learn the feeling of the people of welfare facilities who enjoy exchange program and  look forward the exchange every year.











  ・使用教材 『古代体験BOOK縄文土器をつくろう』(いのうえせいしん編著、いかだ社、1999


Life environmental studies "Let's make the original earthenware"  June, November-4 hours

Have a interest about the replica of the national treasure, "Jomon of Venus" which exhibited in the school and learn about the Japanease History such as  Jomon period in the social studies.

• Learn about the living or life style of Jomon period from the specialist of the Jomon Archaeological Museum and know about the excavated earthenwares.

Watch the excavated Jomon earthwares and plan to make one’s own earthenware after studying how to make it.

Make the original earthenware focusing the Jomon people’s thoughts and wishes by

using the pattern with the variety of materials.

Dry and burn the original earthenware in the field in the fall.

Know the wisdom of Jomon people ,ideas and hardships of life, and think about them.

Exhibit them to Chino Jomon Art exhibition, and feel the goodness of the exhibition of the project through a way to get an appreciation to local residents.

Carry out in association with the Arts and Crafts.

Teaching material  "Let's make the ancient experience BOOK Jomon pottery"

 (Inoue Seishin,Ikada Inc., 1999)









<The Whole school>

● Special activities "Eimei Day (open the learning activities to the region)", February, 4 hours

Open the results and  steps of learning(each subjects, Life environmental studies ) for a year about the environmental education projects and learning community project  to the parents and local people  by each class.

Feel the results of learning in a year for Children, and the guardian and regions ascertain that the growth of children in the area.

Present the projects of each class and singing with all children. And also present the chorus “Singing Time” with parents and local people and play the Jomon Taiko

performance of children and local residents.

  Open the “Weave each other project” for the children, parents and local residents  held by Community School Weave each other Committee and learn about the history and culture of the region.








● Art &craft education, "Exciting art & craft day(school art day)" June, November-4 hours

All children have art & craft class activities in spring and autumn as the lesson of art education in unison whle school.

On the day of open-school,guardians and peoples in the area can see the children’s activities or can try activities together, And they can get opportunities for communication through the activities.

All children have the time to look the other grades activities.

Art museum supporters(cooperation group of a community school and learning support unit group) try to have activities like children and exchange with children in the time of the whole school appreciation.








・使用教材 『茅野市美術館 所蔵作品目録』(茅野市美術館、2007


Art &craft education,"Let's go to see the work of Chino City Art Museum "

 from June to January, 3 hours

Visit the Chino City Art Museum three times a year and appreciate the work of the collection exhibition  as part of appreciation learning.

Appreciate and Talk about the works with specialist of the Art museum and the museum supporters as facilitator.

Focus on the area artists, and  be interested in the Chino City Art Museum in which the works of the theme  of the community and also it is rooted in the community.

Have a pride of many artists in the area and a lot of the works which has a theme of the area.

 Teaching materials "Chino Fine Art catalog" (Chino City Museum of Art, 2007)







・使用教材 世界寺子屋運動DVD Webページ「世界寺子屋運動(公益社団法人日本ユネスコ協会連盟ホームページ)」


Special Activities "Join the world Terakoya Movement", in December for one hour

Know the people who are in need of school supplies and who are not blessed with the opportunity of education in the world through the viewing of lectures and the DVD 0f World Terakoya Movement by Suwa UNESCO Association President.

· Know that one spoiled postcard can change 47 yen, and it will change the school supplies and deliver around the world.

 Have the consciousness of corporation of spoiled postcard collection and  UNESCO supporters and try to collect spoiled postcard.

The child  Headquarter requests to help local people for collection of spoiled postcard.








● Physical Education:"Let's enjoy skating in Chino International Skating Center" - December to February - 6 hours

Do the skating, as a regional sport, at the Chino International Skating Center which has produced a skater in the world.

Look at the records and photos that are on display in the center and listen to the story from the center staff , and know that skating has been popular as a regional sport.

Realize that skating has been popular as a regional sport by using the center along with the people of the children and community.   

Learn how to skate from the skating experience and the Olympic experience in the region.








Special activities: "Try to cherish the friends"  every month, 2 hours

Listen to the storytelling of this related to human rights due to those of human rights committee.

Have a special activity time (weave each other time ) in the morning reading time

by one grade on the 26th of each month.

Have a presentation about the works that has been working in order to cherish the friends to those of human rights committee.









・使用教材 『人権の絵本』(喜多明人・岩川直樹・満川尚美・岩辺泰吏著、大月書店、2000)、Webページ「いじめを考えるキャンペーン「100万人行動宣言」(NHKホームページ)」


Moral & Special activities "Let's make a big circle of friends (Make good friends  month)" Novembe  10 hours

Listen to the talk about human rights in lecture , such as anyone that has a precious life and hope to be happy to live from a person of the Chino human rights committee and think that what you can do yourself.

Practice singing the song about the theme “ Cherish the friends “ for one month each class, and present it in singing time (whole school chorus time), and announce the feelings and efforts to cherish friends.

Under the Child Association , do a good friend time through play in the mix group (consisting of from 1 grade one by one up to grade 6) , and know the goodness of each other.

Write the feeling that to cherish the friends on the "the seed of heart " card, or write the work about own activities through cherish the friends in the " the flower of heart" card, and show them in the school and tackle in activities of the them “To bloom the blossom of human rights flower”.

Write a “good friend postal” to the friends in the class and in the sister class , consider that you want to thank it and you are grateful to your friends.

Take part in the in the NHK  campaign "100 million people of the Declaration on the Conduct",and write down the sheet about the declaration on the conduct of the order to eliminate the bullying one by one.  And think and look back about human rights month and the thing considered about friends.


Teaching materials: " the picture book of the human rights " (Akihito Kita, Naoki Iwakawa Naomi Mitsukawa, Iwanabe Yasushi , Otsukishoten, 2000), Web page, "campaign" 100 million people behavior declaration to consider the bullying "(NHK website)"


Type of materials to be used(使用する教材)


・デジタルカメラ ・デジタルビデオカメラ ・ポリ容器 ・すり鉢 ・電動ドリル

・原木 ・プランター ・防鳥ネット ・鋳造作品(像・坂本養川) ・鉢 ・支柱

・輪台 ・インバイト ・土偶レプリカ(縄文のビーナス) ・縄文土器 

・土器製作用粘土 ・移動用TV50inch ・プロジェクター ・和太鼓

・茅野市美術館所蔵作品 ・世界寺子屋運動DVD ・スケート靴

(1) teaching tools and teaching materials

Digital camera, digital video camera, a plastic container, mortar, electric drill

Raw wood planter, bird net and casting work (image-Yosen Sakamoto), bowl-strut

Wheel stand-in byte figurine replica (Jomon of Venus), Jomon pottery

Pottery production for the clay-moving TV (50inch) · projector, Wa- taiko(Japanese drum)

Chino Fine ArtWorld Terakoya Movement DVD · skate shoes





 ・『地球のために私たちにできること リサイクルのためにできること』奈須紀幸監修、ポプラ社、1994




 ・『茅野市美術館 所蔵作品目録』茅野市美術館、2007


(2) Books

· "picture book of soybeans" Kokubu Makiei edit, Ueno Naohiro picture, Rural Culture Association, 1998

"After person brought up how the vegetables" Hiroo Komiyama, Iwasaki Bookstore, 1995

"Nurture it! Let's eat! This vegetable manufacturing "Kosuge Chisun supervision, Poplar, 2003

"What you can for recycling we can do for the earth," Noriyuki Nasu supervision, Poplar, 1994

"City of the facility expedition" Yoshito Hayashi sentence, Komine Bookstore, 2004

Suwa Education Board "Our local", 2014

"Let's make the ancient experience BOOK Jomon pottery" Inoue of the Sacred Heart, ed., Raft, Inc., 1999

"Chino Fine Art catalog" Chino City Museum of Art, 2007

"Human rights of the picture book," Akihito Kita, Naoki Iwakawa Naomi Mitsukawa, Iwanabe Yasushi Iwabe, Otsukishoten, 2000













(3) Web page

· Http://

"Until tap water can be (Nagano homepage)"

· Http://

"Environment, garbage and recycling (Chino homepage)"

· Http://

We are promoting, "" satoyama manufacturing "! (Chino homepage) "

· Http://

"Green Curtain (UNESCO School home page)."

· Http://

"World Terakoya Movement (Public Interest Incorporated Orchestra corporation the National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan website)"

· Http://

"The thought of campaign" 100 million people behavior declaration bullying "(NHK website)"


Is there any type of evaluation to examine the effects of the project on students’

comprehension and attitudes?(プロジェクトに対する生徒の理解と姿勢の評価方法)











(1) point of view

From three point of view of "Independence", "cooperation", "creativity", to evaluate the appearance of children.


Nature in Chino-shi and Eimei area, the connection of the culture and the industry and concerning are being checked enthusiastically.

 Working while accounting for the plan and behavior and understanding the role.


Trying to cherish the connection and relationship with nature,culture, industry and their own region , Eimei in Chino-shi.

Convey the feelings and thoughts, and work to respect the feelings and thoughts of the people of friends and community.

Work and involve about the thought and behavior of various people with sympathy.












Understand the relations with nature, culture, industry and its spread in  Chino-Eimei area and think about the thing what one can do oneself.

Solve the task proactively basis of the thing that were investigated and completed.

Look back one’s work, and think always about the better approach.

(2) Method and materials

●Attitude of efforts ,activities, remarks, comments of children in each activities.

●Examine learning card and tour report that children have created

●The work of children’s presentation and introduction.

●The image and video which was recorded during the children's activities

●Remark-impressions of the local people that tried to cooperate.





(3) time

Present the results at the end of each activity, and summarize in the end of the semester and year-end.


On behalf of my institution, I apply for participation in the UNESCO Associated Schools Project and give the assurance that this institution will make an active contribution to the Project, as outlined above, for a minimum period of two years.  At the end of every year, I shall submit a report of the Project to the ASP National Co-ordinator of my country.



Date(日付)                                          Principal’s name(校長名(※直筆))


Institution’s name(学校名)